Beto 2020?

I had resisted Beto-hype. I resist any hype about the next JFK-RFK-Obama. Then an old Democratic war horse (older than me, even!) called a few days before the election. He was watching Beto O’Rourke on MSNBC. “Check out Beto!” he enthused. “He’s our hope for 2020!” I still resisted, because the experts predicted Ted Cruz…

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Hillary has balls

Republican “leaders” have been too cowardly and too inept to take on Donald Trump. Not Hillary Clinton. She’s the one person in American politics today who has the toughness, the fortitude and, yes, the balls to stop the gold-plated Manhattan egomaniac from getting to the White House. Republicans waited for Trump to do himself in.…

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Location, location, location

Where candidates go can tell you as much as what they say. Take the Clinton, Cruz and Trump campaigns in North Carolina this week. President Bill Clinton was in Raleigh Monday, at the City Market downtown. That’s the epicenter of the North Carolina Democratic Party today. It’s the gathering place for lawyers, new-economy entrepreneurs, urban…

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GOP: failure to staunch

Staunch, vt., to check the flow of (blood, etc.) – Webster’s Republicans in our neighboring swing state of Virginia threw all they had behind Marco Rubio to stop Donald Trump. But there was no Marcomentum on Super Tuesday. Now the GOP seems stuck between Trump and Ted Cruz, who may be even more unelectable in…

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There’s something about Cruz

Carter made an interesting comment about Ted Cruz the other day while we were taping an interview for D.G. Martin’s radio show on WCHL. Carter said he often agrees with Cruz, but finds himself wishing Cruz would stop talking. He said, “There’s just something about Cruz that I can’t put my finger on….” Here’s what…

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Trump and the art of the put-down

Ted Cruz thought he zinged Donald Trump good when he accused him of “New York values.” But one New York value that Trump has mastered is the put-down. Carter noted how Trump’s spot-on zingers buried Jeb Bush (“low energy”) and burned Cruz (“he’s a nasty guy”). Now The New York Times reports that Trump’s jibes…

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Birther Karma

The constitutional question about whether Ted Cruz is a “natural-born” citizen is as good a reason as any to deny him the White House. If we want a President from Canada, let’s get Justin Trudeau. The issue is sweet confirmation of the Universal Law of Payback. How many Cruz supporters were “birthers” who questioned President…

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