Lauch Faircloth

Former Senator Lauch Faircloth, who died last week at age 95, was a Democrat before he got mad at Terry Sanford. Faircloth got his revenge and got elected to the U.S. Senate. Then he got beat by John Edwards. I was there for the whole Shakespearean saga of vengeance, ambition and – sometimes – comedy.…

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The Edwards Case

The News & Observer ran a story headlined “Trump case recalls John Edwards’ scandal in NC.” Edwards’s prosecutor was a Republican, then-US Attorney George Holding. Holding later resigned to run for Congress, was elected and served four terms. In 2012, Politico reported, “Holding conceded that the facts in Edwards’s case—payments made by political backers to…

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A Democratic wave is coming, but…

All signs show a big Democratic year coming. Unless Putin hijacks it. Or Democrats blow it. Which we could do. Politics today is volatile. And unpredictable. And subject to last-minute breaks. (See Jim Comey and Hillary’s emails.) But we know the basic shape of the 2018 elections. Democrats are fired up and ready to vote.…

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Impeachable sources

You don’t have to be a Junior G-Man to be wary of James Comey. After all, he was the American League MVP in Trump’s election, thanks to his late hit on Hillary Clinton. (Vladimir Putin and Cambridge Analytica tied for Foreign League MVP.) Still, Comey is right about two things: (1) Trump is “morally unfit”…

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He’s baaaaack!

Long before he was elected to the U.S. Senate, a lot of people in Raleigh didn’t like John Edwards. Like insurance executives, defense lawyers and doctors, to be exact. They took great delight in Edwards’ fall from political grace. Schadenfreude is the word for it: “a feeling of enjoyment that comes from seeing or hearing…

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