Picture of Coleman, Picture of Holding

Linda Coleman isn’t well known – her Favorable is 18% and her Unfavorable is 16%. Some Democrats know and like her but most voters don’t know who she is or where she stands on the issues they care about. In June and July, when George Holding ran ads comparing his stand for workfare and for…

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Two Super PACs: A Negative Ad and a Positive Ad

In a fallen world the ‘negative’ (the bad thing) has great power, especially in an election where voters are choosing between two candidates they dislike. For example, six years ago, President Obama didn’t win by running ads praising Obama’s accomplishments – he defeated Romney by telling voters Romney was ‘an out-of-touch billionaire.’ And remember ‘Crooked…

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A Bombshell

Yesterday, I was going to write about the election but, then, Federal Judge James Wynn dropped a bombshell – by ruling the current Congressional Districts are unconstitutional. The districts, he said, are a ‘partisan gerrymander.’ And have to be redrawn. Campaigns, in a way, are simple – they have one over-arching goal: To talk with…

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Don’t impeach!

Democrats: Don’t impeach Trump. Don’t talk about it. Don’t even think about it. Think this through. We want every Republican officeholder and candidate to spend every day of the next 27 months, all the way through Election Day 2020, defending, rationalizing, apologizing for, agonizing over and tiptoeing around Trump. When a Democrat in Congress gets…

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“Both sides”-ism at the N&O

No, Colin Campbell, “both sides” do not “share in the blame” over “the last-minute legal tussle between Gov. Roy Cooper and the legislature over proposed constitutional amendments.” And the N&O fails its readers and its history by running Campbell’s “both sides” column where the newspaper’s editorial voice once rang clear, loud and true. No, both…

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Politics These Days

“If he doesn’t cooperate or get a pardon, he’s going to die in prison,” a former federal prosecutor told the Los Angeles Times, talking about Paul Manafort. The Times also reported that, a month ago, Trump called Paul Manafort’s jailing “very unfair” and that, two days later, Rudy Giuliani said Manafort being treated unfairly was…

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Everybody Loses

The media says Trump, by inflaming them, makes the most liberal Democrats more powerful. But what inflames Democrats isn’t Trump’s ideology – it’s Trump, himself. And when Trump insults and boasts the anti-Trumpsters protest and hurl insults right back – they’re the mirror image of Trump himself, proving the old adage: Those to whom evil…

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Doubt Whispers

In the middle of Donald Trump’s campaign against Hillary Clinton, a Playboy model sold the rights to her story about her affair with Trump to the National Enquirer for $150,000 – and when Trump learned what happened he sat down with his lawyer, Michael Cohen, to discuss buying those rights from the Enquirer so the…

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Apple’s core values belong in NC

The “No Gay? No Way!” campaign has it exactly backwards about Apple coming to North Carolina. The Human Rights Campaign frames the argument this way: “Apple has an opportunity to lead by locating and investing in places that fully protect LGBTQ people. North Carolina is not one of those places.” But if Apple – and…

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Red sea in Raleigh

Not surprisingly, commentary on the teacher rally focused on teacher pay – and teacher politics. Namely, will the red tide that swamped the Legislative Building Wednesday swamp the Republicans in November and sweep in the Democrats? Both parties were ready. The Republicans covered their windows with selective numbers on their teacher pay record. They rolled…

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