Darkness is Bi-partisan

The other morning laying in bed, opening John’s Gospel I read: Truth is the road to light. Later that morning in my office opening the newspaper I read a new poll (by The Economist) said half of Donald Trump’s voters believe President Obama was born in Kenya (even though Trump now says that’s not so)…

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Feed the Birds!

With snow in the forecast, this is my annual reminder – for the sake of our feathered friends and in memory of my father. First, the birds. Snow covers up the seeds, bugs, worms and other delicacies they eat. So, Feed the Birds! When you stock up on bread, milk, toilet paper, wine and brownie…

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Storm warnings

The weather forecast this weekend is the Universe’s way of preparing North Carolina for the next four years: Big storms are coming, nobody can predict what will happen and there is maximum risk to life, limb and political futures. And, just to squeeze the last drops from this metaphor, any slip-ups can be fatal, only…

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