A Reckoning

I’m not sure why Donald Trump’s supporters loathe Washington Politicians;—Peggy Noonan says what’s going on is a struggle between people with power (Washington politicians and millionaires) and people without power: That sitting in penthouses and townhomes the powerful have been doing just fine through recessions and hard times while the people without power have been…

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Super history

Super Tuesday and Superdelegates are coming through big for Hillary Clinton. For that she owes a big thanks to 1980s Southern Democrats, including Jim Hunt and Terry Sanford. Both “supers” were hatched in the ‘80s by the kind of moderate white Democrats, often from rural areas and small towns, who are scarce today. A Southern…

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Old people watch for signs: Pains shooting down a man’s arm, a hardly discernible lump in a woman’s breast, all either portents of disaster or false alarms and in politics there’re signs too: Like Roy out-raising Pat by $1.2 million. $5.1 million to $3.9 million. A portent? Or a hiccup? Roy raising more money than…

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Dems: Clinton redux

Obscured by the Republican bloodletting, Hillary Clinton not only is winning primaries, but beginning to look like a winner in November. Her message and her delivery on Super Tuesday night showed how far she has come as a candidate – and how well she responded to the challenge of Bernie Sanders and the rise of…

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GOP: failure to staunch

Staunch, vt., to check the flow of (blood, etc.) – Webster’s Republicans in our neighboring swing state of Virginia threw all they had behind Marco Rubio to stop Donald Trump. But there was no Marcomentum on Super Tuesday. Now the GOP seems stuck between Trump and Ted Cruz, who may be even more unelectable in…

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