Standards of The Times

I’m a big fan of The New York Times. It’s still the best newspaper going. But sometimes I wonder what happened to “All The News That’s Fit to Print.”
Like last Sunday, when the Times ran a front-page story on the John Edwards saga.
Must be something big, right? There was the page-one placement, the picture, the breathless buildup – not to mention the knee-jerk reaction of other media that, since the Times had a story, there must be some big news there.
But, as far as I could tell, there wasn’t.
Except, that is, for some rather titillating allegations contained in the book proposal that Andrew Young is shopping around.
When it came to Young’s credibility as a source, though, did the Times ask: Isn’t this the same guy who once assured us he was the father of the baby in question?
The News & Observer, the other newspaper I can’t live without, didn’t run the Times story. Maybe out of jealousy. Or maybe the N&O has higher standards.
I hope it’s the latter.
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Gary Pearce



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Standards of The Times

I’m a big fan of The New York Times. It’s still the best newspaper going. But sometimes I wonder what happened to “All The News That’s Fit to Print.”
Like last Sunday, when the Times ran a front-page story on the John Edwards saga.
Must be something big, right? There was the page-one placement, the picture, the breathless buildup – not to mention the knee-jerk reaction of other media that, since the Times had a story, there must be some big news there.
But, as far as I could tell, there wasn’t.
Except, that is, for some rather titillating allegations contained in the book proposal that Andrew Young is shopping around.
When it came to Young’s credibility as a source, though, did the Times ask: Isn’t this the same guy who once assured us he was the father of the baby in question?
The News & Observer, the other newspaper I can’t live without, didn’t run the Times story. Maybe out of jealousy. Or maybe the N&O has higher standards.
I hope it’s the latter.
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Gary Pearce

