Campaign Life

Barlow Herget of State Government Radio asked me a question that reminded me of what I’m missing this time of year: “What’s happening inside a statewide campaign now?” Unfortunately, polisci students, campaigns right now are not just about strategy, media and organization. They’re also doing a lot of math: Fundraising: How much money is in…

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Remain Calm, Democrats

Democrats are in their quadrennial panic. If self-flagellation were an Olympic event, we’d win the gold every four years. Yes, McCain’s pick of Palin changed the race. Yes, Obama needs to hit harder. Yes, Joe Biden’s right: Hillary would have been a better running mate. Even Tom Friedman is calling Obama a wuss, for Pete’s…

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Lieutenant Governor Syndrome

Jim Hunt was the last lieutenant governor elected governor. Thirty-six years ago. And Hunt had the advantage of being No. 2 under a Republican governor, so he could run against the Ins. Since then, lieutenant governors have not fared so well: Jimmy Green, Bob Jordan, Jim Gardner and Dennis Wicker (my friend and client). Now…

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Clarifying One Thing

This morning in the newspaper John McCain ripped into Barack Obama, saying Obama supported “legislation ensuring ‘comprehensive sex education’ for kindergartners.” Sounds like Obama passed a bill to give kindergartners a manual on how to have safe sex, but, in fact, the kind of sex education Obama was proposing – in that bill – was…

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Perdue in Peril?

It’s a sure sign of an anxious campaign when the manager releases internal polls. That’s what Zach Ambrose had to do this week for Bev Perdue after a WTVD poll showed her trailing. That came on the heels of the Carville-Greenberg poll. Perdue’s campaign released a memo from Garin-Hart-Yang, the campaign’s pollsters, showing Perdue ahead…

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Enquiring Minds Want to Know

Sarah Palin will either lift John McCain to the White House or sink him. She’s taking a star turn now. But one thing never changes in politics: Change comes. Word now is that the National Enquirer has reassigned its “John Edwards Team” to Alaska. Give them a week. Then check the lipstick, mascara and blush…

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Bridging Palin

My friend – and Internet guru – Mathew Gross has a great line for the Obama campaign: Sarah Palin didn’t just support the Bridge to Nowhere. She is the Bridge to Nowhere. Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles.

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The Stealth Candidate

What happens if a candidate turns out to be so bad at being a candidate his campaign doesn’t dare let him loose on the public – say, because every time he opens his mouth the campaign totters on the brink of destruction? The solution: A Stealth Candidate. It’s an old tried and true formula. Sixteen…

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Attack Palin

The Obama campaign has to attack Sarah Palin. She has turned the race around for McCain. Democrats must turn her into a negative for him. They may be reluctant to attack a woman. But the DSCC got over that with Liddy Dole. One poll shows that white women went from being slightly for Obama before…

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Starting Worse and Going Downhill

I watched the first thirty minutes of the Perdue vs. McCrory debate. The “Thriller from Manila” it was not. About the time I was ready to doze off, McCrory, self-righteously praising himself, said, ‘I have never run a negative ad.’ That woke me up. I hate it when a candidate does that. Doesn’t McCrory believe…

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