The YouTube Campaign

The 2004 election demonstrated the power of the Internet. It’s now the YouTube campaign. The first victim was former Senator George Allen of Virginia. Here’s a hit on John McCain that’s now circulating: By the way, thanks to my son James for the link. At 17, he’s my link to YouTube politics. Click Here…

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The Orange County White House

Re John and Elizabeth Edwards’ new home: The only thing they’re guilty of is over-answering. In situations like this, the less said, the better. Remember the first rule of getting out of a hole: Put down the shovel. It’s his money, he earned it and he can spend it like he wants. Click Here to…

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Spending Like a Drunken Sailor

Looking out the window as he gave his state of the city address, Mayor Meeker noted the four cranes hovering over his $221 million convention center, his $20 million downtown hotel and his $40 million underground parking lot. (News and Observer; 1-23-07). Then the Mayor proposed building a 28 mile adventure trail along the banks…

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Bush and Webb

In his State of the Union Speech, President Bush laid out his vision of the war on terrorism, saying Islamic Radicalism is an ideology – much like Communism and Nazism were ideologies in their times, opposing everything we stand for and determined to destroy us. Democratic Senator Jim Webb, in his rebuttal, did not differ…

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New Threat to the Schools

The right-wing, anti-school crowd lost in November when the Wake County school bonds won, but they’re taking aim again. One of our readers emailed: “Looks to me like the County Commissioners are trying to take over the school board – a Billion dollar school bond with 4 school board seats on the same ballot.” Bingo,…

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A Weak Start for Strong Mayor Proposal

I consider myself an expert on strengthening executive offices, though some cynics might call it power-grabbing. I learned from the master: working with Governor Hunt when he passed succession in 1977 (before that, Governors could serve only one term) and veto in 1996. So maybe Raleigh needs a stronger mayor. But Charles Meeker’s campaign for…

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Politics and DOT

A study by a local government agency in Raleigh reports that over a 15 year period (1991-2005) Wake County paid “about $186 million” a year in transportation taxes – while the DOT only spent “$132 million per year” to build roads here. In other words DOT took $54 million a year in highway taxes –…

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Polling Report

Some pollsters have a gift for reading hundreds of pages of statistics and finding a nugget of truth. Others have a different talent: Flexibility. They can poll one day and say with absolute conviction the public is, for instance, adamantly against President Bush’s plan to send more troops to Iraq. Then a month later, they…

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This Proves One Thing

A week ago the Mayor was saying he was going to run for reelection because he could do more as Mayor than as a United States Senator. Now (see Gary’s post below) he says the Mayor doesn’t have enough power. This proves one thing: Mayor Meeker’s lost control of the City Council. His solution is…

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Meeker: Strengthen Mayor

We hear that Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker will propose changing city government to give mayors more authority. He wants Raleigh to abandon its long-time “strong city manager” government and replace it with a “strong mayor” system. Sounds great. Many Meeker supporters will like it. But beware the Law of Unintended Consequences. We might get Strong…

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